Relaxo Footwears Share Price

Relaxo Footwears Ltd. (RELAXO) saw its share price on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) rise to ₹910.00 INR, marking a significant 13.30% increase on friday. Starting at ₹803.00 INR, it peaked at ₹949.00 INR during trading.

Dividend Trend of Relaxo Footwears Ltd

RELAXO has increased or maintained dividend levels over the last 5 years. Current dividend yield is 0.28%. An investment of ₹1,000 in the stock is expected to generate dividend of ₹2.82 every year.

Financial Growth of last 5 years

Over the last 5 years, revenue has grown at a yearly rate of 7.56%, vs industry avg of 5.55%, market share increased from 21.68% to 23.98% and net income has grown at a yearly rate of -0.83%, vs industry avg of 6.84%. If we talk about its growth that showing good signs of profitability & efficiency.

About Relaxo Footwear Ltd.

Established in 1984, Relaxo has been making shoes in India for forty years. It's now the biggest shoe company in the country and is ranked among the top 500 valuable companies. Relaxo is known for making good quality shoes that are affordable. They make flip flops, sandals, and both sports and casual shoes.

Share Price Target  in 2024

According to the numbers, RELAXO's first share price target could be ₹950. Share Price Target  in 2024 If everything in the big and small economies, plus how the shoe business is doing, keeps going well, the price might reach ₹990.00 by December 2025. Share Price Target  in 2024 By the end of 2030, if the market stays positive, the price might go up to around ₹1415.22.


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